Math Contest
  So as to stimulate students’ interest in math learning, enlighten their thoughts, cultivate their exploring spirit, enhance their practical abilities in addition to enriching the campus cultural life, on the afternoon of 15th January, 2018, at the mixed classroom, 40 math enthusiasts from 5 classes in Grade 8 of Anqing Foreign Language School’s east campus participated in the math problem solving competition.
  On the one hand, during the contest, students focused their minds on each questions and answered the papers calmly. They analyzed the question meaning earnestly, positively set their wits to work and thought deeply when faced with difficult math problems. Nonetheless, when they solved the puzzles, students’ faces were overflowing with the joy of success. Later on, the whole contest concluded in an intense yet harmonious atmosphere.
  On the other hand, after the competition, math teachers from Grade 8 went over the examination papers carefully as well as conducted summary, analysis and thorough inquiry in regard to different solution approaches.
  All in all, four candidates had the honor to obtain the first prizes. Eight competitors won second prizes and third prizes went to thirteen contestants. Evidently, this informative competition enormously mobilized students’ initiative in math learning and achieved favorable results!